A Plan That Works For Everyone: One Parkway Now!
The One Parkway Now! infill approach works with GBNRTC’s Region Central solution to turn Route 33 and the Scajaquada Expressway into a unified, restored Humboldt Parkway connecting Delaware and MLKMLK Park Martin Luther King Park, formerly Humboldt Park. Parks.
Further, One Parkway Now! proposes the restored Parkway could be extended into the Fruit Belt, reconnecting it via parkway with Delaware Park and the Cultural District including the History Museum, Burchfield-Penney Art Center, and the AKG Art Museum.
Restoring Humboldt Parkway will bring public and private investment to the surrounding neighborhoods, and a community-driven coalition can work to ensure the investment is directed towards housing and small business improvements, lead remediation, tree replanting etc. One Parkway Now, and filling in the 33, is less disruptive to residents, cheaper for the taxpayer, and will bring even more investment to our community by restoring a world class landmark.
Traffic can be absorbed into the existing City radialsRadials The main streets of Buffalo that radiate from the downtown core. South Park, Seneca, Clinton, William, Broadway, Genesee, Sycamore, Kensington., including Kensington Avenue, Delavan, Genesee, Walden, and Broadway. These existing radials would only need to take the same average daily traffic (ADT) as Main Street to bring traffic flow on Humboldt down to levels similar to Bidwell, Chapin, or Lincoln Parkways. (See 2022 and 2028 Traffic Drawings) The East Side deserves the same tranquil parkways as enjoyed by West Side residents.
One Parkway Now! proposes to distribute traffic on the existing City radials, which will also feed into Jefferson, Fillmore, and Bailey Avenues, allowing those business districts to grow.
But, let’s be honest, with our warming planet we need to be reducing the number of cars on the road in the long term. Citizens for Regional Transit already has a plan to do so: the Airport Corridor Light Rail Rapid Transit Line from DL&W to Larkinville to the Central Terminal to Airport / I-190 Park & Rides would provide an additional 110,000 capacity, and all the billions of private economic development that would come with that endeavor!!