- NYSDOT Project Documents
- Specific Project Documents
- Draft Environmental Assessment
- Appendix A15 Technical Memorandum Rock Removal – What is to be blasted and where.
- Appendix D5 Asbestos-Containing Materials Survey Report.pdf – About 250,000 square feet of potential Asbestos Containing Material (ACM).
- Appendix D6 Hazardous Waste-Contaminated Materials Preliminary Screening Assessment Report – See Page 50. Know your community hazard sites.
- Appendix D7 Air Quality Technical Report – NYSDOTNYSDOT New York State Department of Transportation Air monitoring stations used to collect air quality data (Page 7). Windrose of prevailing wind direction (Page 9). Modelled exhaust concentration “jets” (starting in Page 33).
- Appendix D9 Noise and Vibration) Analyses Report – See page 30. “Although infrequent and below the potential for building damage, blasting vibration would be perceptible.”
- Health Data
- Expressway Community Asthma Rates (EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool)
- Expressway Community Lower Life Expectancy Rates (EPA’s Environmental Justice Screening and Mapping Tool)
- Particulate Matter (PM2.5) Defined
- NYDOT’s Exhaust Modeling (24 hour prediction of particulate matter (PM2.5)) – Note “No Build” means as it is today, “Build” means the tunnel.
- NYDOT’s Exhaust Modeling (Annual prediction of particulate matter (PM2.5)) – Note “No Build” means as it is today, “Build” means the tunnel.
- Schools/Buffalo Museum of Science downwind of the Exhaust “jet” (900′ plume) – Using Purdue University historic wind direction from 1942-2023. Red line is the predominant wind direction for those decades. Gold/Orange lines as the next seven-most frequent wind directions.
- UB Architecture Small Built Works Program
- Toxic Exhaust Plumes Effects from North Tunnel portal into the neighborhood
- Toxic Exhaust Plumes Effects from South Tunnel portal into the neighborhood
- EPA Data on Neighborhood Low Life Expectancy
- EPA Data on Neighborhood Asthma Rates
- EPA Data on Neighborhood Cancer Rates
- Local Schools around the project exhaust plume area
- Local Churches, Schools, and Youth Facilities in the project exhaust plume area
- GBNRTC Traffic Data – Current vehicle counts (2022)
- Buffalo Radial counts without the Humboldt expressway (2028)
- East Side Light Rail Rapid Transit Line with NYS East Side Avenues Investment corridors and business districts
- Digging and Blasting Diagrams
- GBNRTCGBNRTC Greater Buffalo Niagara Regional Transportation Council – Region Central – Scajaquada Parkway
- Rochester’s Inner-Loop Experience
- Letters to Editors
- “Remove the Expressway, Restore the Parkway” (Prof. Greg Delaney, Buffalo News 10.11.23)